A chip that converts Video Graphics Array output directly into a television signal, and is designed for use in handheld computers has been developed by a Hong Kong company, Display Research Laboratory Ltd, Newsbytes reports from Causeway Bay in the Crown Colony. The VIP 01033 video interlace processor is intended to enmable next generation notebook personal computers, palmtops and digital diaries to output directly to a television screen. It is small enough to be built directly on to the motherboard of any compact product and uses very little power, the firm claims, adding that the high level of integration makes it much more reliable than multi-chip converters. The company notes that any output that can be shown on a television can also be recorded on a conventional video cassette recorder. The chip includes anti-flicker filter that automatically adjusts pixel brightness to prevent flickering while ensuring that fine image details are preserved, the company says, noting that it has applied for patents on the technique in the US, Germany, Japan, the UK, China and Canada. No price or availability details were given for the chip.