This press release just came in, and it was sufficiently newsworthy for me to post it straight up here without further ado:

"Specialist internet technology company, ARKom is warning companies in the UK to be on their guard against SPAM email [their caps, not mine]. A growing problem which costs businesses millions of pounds each year, ARKom believes that companies in the UK are not doing enough to protect themselves — leaving them wide open to the havoc that SPAM can cause."

Yeagh, apparently there is also this security threat called a VIRUS, which I believe companies in the UK should also be on their guard against. And they must not forget about the ROGUE EMPLOYEE or the ever-present danger of a DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK.

Ten years ago, advice from a company to be on guard against spam would have been legitimate. To warn UK businesses about the dangers of spam today, when there can be few businesses in the UK or elsewhere that have not already had to learn for themselves the damage and disruption that spam can bring, is, let’s be honest, STATING THE OBVIOUS.