Hitachi Data Systems accompanied launch of its EX 310 and 420 3090-killers with a number of enhancements to its other EX Series IBMulators. The Optical Channel Subsystems now include support under ESA/370 along with support for 4.5Mb per second data transfer rates. These channels enable the EX Series to communicate with storage devices over distances of up to 6,600 feet where traditional cable technology allows maximum distances of 400 feet. The company’s remote service support expert system, Hi-Track, is to be available on all EX machines. Hi-Track CPU is designed to predict system failures and to monitor critical elements of the CPU. If the mainframe begins operating outside normal parameters, Hi-Track automatically contacts the central support centre with the information, and a support representative is dispatched by the system with a recommended course of action. Hitachi Data’s remote operations facility, EX/Control Facility, which enables worldwide operation of Hitachi mainframes from any remote location has also been enhanced. EX/CF Version 2 supports automated operations of a data centre under NetView-managed console networks to run Hitachi mainframes. In addition, support is provided for coaxial attachment of 3270 format displays for EX systems operations. Multiple Logical Processor Facility peripheral devices support has been increased to 24,000 from 4,000. Hitachi Data has also enhanced its transition upgrade programme and says that it enables customers with installed EX systems to upgrade within the series and pay only for the additional per formance or features. Hitachi Data is also allowing customers to retain the mainframe serial number as they grow through the series, which should provide flexibility in managing capital investments.