Hitachi is currently aiming to strengthen the management system to accelerate management reforms and business reorganizations in order to achieve the targets of the Hitachi medium-term business plan set for the year ending March 2003. Toward this goal, policy objectives for selecting the new management were set on bringing up the next generation of management with the emphasis on Presidents of the business groups. Policy objectives also include a strengthening of relationships between affiliated companies within the Hitachi Group and increased interchange of human resources.

As of April 1, business groups in charge of information systems and telecommunications operations, namely, Finance & Distribution Systems, Industrial Information Systems, Government & Public Corporation Information Systems, Telecommunication & Information Infrastructure Systems and Information & Computer Systems, will be reorganized into two groups: Systems Solutions, which will run the overall systems solutions business operations on a strategic, flexible basis; and Information & Telecommunication Platform Systems, which will focus on merging computer platform operations and telecommunications equipment operations.

To strengthen and integrate strategy planning of information systems and telecommunications operations, a Senior Group Executive of the Information & Telecommunication Systems Group will be in charge of both groups, assuming overall responsibility for those operations. A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and a Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) will be newly appointed to be responsible for marketing and sales strategy and business structural reforms, respectively.

The CMO and CSO, together with the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the Automotive Products business group and Life Science Group, are appointed to strengthen the management staff functions of each group with clearly defined responsibilities in formulating management strategies.