Taiwanese display driver and semiconductor product maker, Himax Technologies, has teamed up with Lumus, an Augmented Reality glasses maker, to develop smart glasses.

Lumus plans to use its ultra-thin optics enabled wearable display and combine it with Himax’s LCOS technology, which provides high level of brightness required for see-through Augmented Reality, to create wearable technology that can be used in daily life.

Himax president and CEO Jordan Wu said: "We are very excited to expand our existing partnership with Lumus. They have developed an innovative technology, which will enable Augmented Reality glasses to become the next ‘must-have’ consumer device. "

Lumus CEO Zvi Lapidot said: "Himax’s superior LCOS technology, its availability for high volume production, and the Company’s forward looking technological applications were critical in our selection of Himax as a strategic partner.

"Their microdisplay, specifically designed for smart glasses, combines smoothly with Lumus’ transparent display, creating the ideal solution for true Augmented Reality and hands-free wearable computing."

The companies previously teamed up to create helmet mounted displays for combat aviation and now they are planning to create wearable for the mainstream consumers.