Hewlett-Packard Co comes out top in Agoura Hills, California-based J D Power & Associates’s latest Desktop Personal Computer Satisfaction Study as reliability takes over from last year’s user suport and 1992’s ease of use as the most pressing concern of the 1,528 users polled at office-based businesses: Hewlett-Packard won a high rating of 124 compared with an industry average of 100, coming out particularly well in reliability and value for money; Digital Equipment Corp was next with 115, Compaq Computer Corp at 109, Dell Coputer Corp at 103, Gateway Computer Corp, 102 and Apple Computer Inc, 100; the research house is very squeamish about highlighting those that must try harder, putting AST Research Inc and IBM Corp in alphabetical order and not giving their scores – but it is by no means the first time that IBM has fallen below the line.