Hewlett-Packard Co has teamed with Applied Communications Inc and Vento Software Inc to launch into the banking industry a complete system for managing automatic teller machine transactions and other electronic funds movements. The number of electronic transactions in the US alone is expected to reach 60,000m by the year 2000, more than double the volume recorded in 1994, according to investment banker Alex Brown & Sons. Hewlett-Packard benefits from a June 1995 agreement between the two software firms under which Applied Communications, whose Base24 applications capture and route electronic-funds transactions, would handle global distribution of Vento’s graphical decision support technology for analysing the make-up of those transactions. Vento software, including the ExecInsight suite of executive information solutions, runs on the HP 9000 family of Precision Architecture RISC-based business servers and workstations. Along with HP-UX Unix, Hewlett-Packard will put its data warehousing expertise into the venture, providing banking executives with, for example, a single, integrated view of exactly how their customers are using teller machines; which sites receive the most transaction traffic; and how that information compares with previous usage figures.