Hewlett-Packard Co has announced Release 2.1 of the HP-RT real-time operating system and associated software packages. This release has two new software packages as well as enhancements to the developer’s kit. HP-RT is a real-time operating system claimed to offer interrupt response times of less than 100mS. New features in the new Release 2.1 include support for the HP 9000 V743rt VXI controller and continued support for HP 9000 Model 743rt/742rt VMEbus computers; a generic driver claimed to provide an easy-to-use interface between user-level drivers and input-output devices; thread-safe C++; improved debugging tools and overall system performance. STREAMSrt with DLPI Data Link Provider Interface now enables programmers to write and implement STREAMS-based applications for HP-RT. VME backplane networking supports the networking of two or more Hewlett-Packard processor boards over the VME backplane, booting HP-RT over the VMEbus from an HP-UX system and using ARPA/Berkeley networking or Network File System. A PC Card adaptor connects to the HP 9000 743rt VMEbus Board Computer as a mezzanine board assembly and supports Hewlett-Packard’s 10Mb and 20Mb Flash-disk cards. X11 SERVERrt enables X library results to be displayed directly on a graphics monitor connected to a HP-RT target system. SNMPrt Agent enables customers to communicate with and modify parameters in a remote computer. It extends the networking capabilities of HP-RT into the Hewlett-Packard OpenView and other Simple Network Management Protocol network-management environments. Release 2.1 of the HP-RT developer’s kit consists of a single licence-to-use and a software and documentation bundle, and costs $10,000.