Hewlett-Packard Co’s year-and-a-half-old Co-operative Computing Systems Division will launch its new Co-operative Computing Solutions scheme on Monday October 26. Apparently the object is to prepackage Precision Architecture RISC-based HP 9000s and HP 3000s and peddle them as turnkey client-server systems via the company’s Professional Service Organisation, Hewlett-Packard’s own consulting arm, and third-party Unix integrators. The division is said to have amassed a wealth of productivity tools from independent software vendors in support of the programme which in turn supports IBM Corp mainframes, AS/400s, VAXes, Sparcs, MS-DOS boxes and perhaps eventually Macs. Meanwhile, Hewlett-Packard has put back volume shipments of its top-end Corporate Business Systems to the first quarter of its new fiscal year starting on November 1. It says that it has 100 orders for the systems, nine models of the HP 3000 and HP 9000 lines; a handful of the new HP 3000s went out in August; the first HP 9000 HP-UX boxes should be shipping this month.