New software from Hewlett-Packard Co enables its Vectra and other personal computers to access X Window graphics applications via high performance networks. AXDS/PC is a display server, which together with the company’s PC Graphics controller is claimed to deliver 2 MIPS performance – equivalent to the HP9000 Model 330 workstation configured as an X-Window system server. This performance will give MS-DOS users access to a previously unobtainable range of Unix applications, such as mechanical and electrical design, industrial automation and Unix development tools. X11 server code is down loaded into the memory of the graphics controller – not executed as an MS-DOS application – so that performance is not limited by the operating system or the set-up of the micro. With AXDS/PC, users can access both Unix X Window applications and MS-DOS office automation applications over local networks; the MS-DOS box needs 640Kb, the PC Graphics controller, ThinLAN or StarLAN 10 card and networking software – together with a high resolution colour monitor. The package is due to ship this quarter and will sell for $500.