Hewlett-Packard Co and terminal emulation software developer Walker Richer & Quinn Inc are expected to announce on July 19 their HP Windows Client, a low-cost 80486-based diskless workstation, which bundles Windows and Walker’s Reflection software, for networked computing environments. Hewlett says the network-ready machine does not represent an attempt to increase its small but growing share of the personal computer market. This is aimed at the several million terminal users who would like to upgrade their interface, but for whom the financial leap from a text-based terminal is just too big, says Dana Bredemeyer, product manager for the system peripherals’ operation. We are introducing this because we have seen an increase in the number of people buying personal computers and using them as terminals, said Sally Beythoun, peripherals product manager in Bblingen. The bundled systems, which include a monitor, Windows and Walker software, range from $1,100 to $1,675. Hewlett is offering a choice of five different monitors, beginning with a monochrome VGA to a 15 ergonomic Ultra VGA at the high end. A base configuration with software but no monitor is priced at $895. All configurations need at least one server version of the software, the Windows Client Server Kit, which is $500. The company reckons an 25MHz 80486 machine with MS-DOS, Windows and an Ultra-VGA monitor costs between $1,500 to $1,600 in the US so that the Windows Client is from 40% to 50% cheaper than comparable network-ready machines – albeit only if the user buys only the base configuration. The Reflection terminal emulation software enables users to run and display multiple concurrent host sessions in separate windows and to cut and paste information between Windows applications running in parallel. The Windows Client can connect to HP 3000, HP 9000 and other hosts using Hewlett’s Block Mode and Digital Equipment Corp’s VT terminal protocols. Compatibility with IBM Corp 3270, 5250, and X Window protocols is also possible with emulators .lh 6from Walker and from other third parties.