Hewlett-Packard Co is offering new management applications and a centralised systems integration component for the Unix version of its OpenView systems management environment. The new software leads the way towards managing IBM Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc kit as well as Hewlett-Packard systems. Operations Center runs on a central system collecting and monitoring data from managed Unix clients, which may include Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Sun Unix boxes. It provides tailored warning alerts and alarms for a central management system to act upon. Due in August, it costs $14,700 – UKP13,400 – for up to 32 users. HP PerfRX, a system performance monitoring tool is now available for OpenView, priced at UKP5,000, and Hewlett-Packard is also putting its back-up and print management applications up under the environment. OmniBack – UKP7,000, $7,650 – and OmniBack Turbo – UKP10,600 – are out now. OmniBack/Link, OpenSpool and OpenSpool/Link are due next month at from $2,700 (UKP2,500), $4,700 (UKP4,260) and $2,700 (UKP2,500) respectively. Hewlett-Packard’s automatic software distribution system, OpenView Software Distributor, formerly known as Software Distribution Utilities, which features as a component of the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Management Environment, will follow in August priced at UKP4,000. An OpenView storage management system is still under development for the second half of the year. Hewlett-Packard’s network licence system – also included in the Distributed Management Environment – will be available for OpenView in July and costs UKP4,400, a distributed network advisor due in July will be UKP1,800 and a Probe Manager, expected in September, will start at UKP2,270.