Plugging the parallel processing gap in its product line and strengthening the existing bond between the two companies, Hewlett-Packard Co is to begin reselling Convex Computer Corp’s Precision Architecture RISC-based Exemplar parallel systems during the first quarter of next year. Their relationship dates back to 1992 when Convex began clustering HP 9000 Series 700s as part of its education in the secrets of the Precision Architecture RISC. In May 1993, Convex licensed HP-UX and other system software technologies from Hewlett-Packard and agreed to extend the fruits of its development work back to Hewlett-Packard. Exemplar includes the Convex Scalable Parallel Processor 1000/Compact Design, configured with two to 16 processors for up to 3.2 GFLOPS and the SPP1000/eXtended Architecture scalable system, which come with from eight to 128 processors for 25.6 GFLOPS of peak performance.