Hewlett-Packard Co is unveiling a new programme in the US to assist value added resellers and integrators in migrating mainframe customers to client-server computing. According to Computer Systems News, the strategy is to migrate IBM 4381 and 3090 users to the RISC-based HP 9000 and HP 3000 lines running under Unix or the proprietary MPE/XL system. Hewlett-Packard has been engaged in an informal conversion process over the past two years, but key to this new strategy is the latest release of MPE/XL and a range of software migration tools that includes Cobol compilers for converting mainframe applications to MPE/XL. The company is stressing the importance of collaborating with third parties, and in addition to existing partners like Andersen Consulting and Electronic Data Systems Corp, it plans to recruit an unspecified number of integrators and resellers that specialise in vertical markets like manufacturing and financial services. Commentators believe that the strategy could make MPE/XL a more attractive proposition since it will have more extensive links to multi-vendor environments. The new features of MPE/XL Version 3.0 are increased functionality in systems management with extended support for local area network environments, database management with support of on-line backup and referential integrity, and client-server services that enable users to access personal computer-based applications. Analysts say that Hewlett-Packard does not have the internal resources to offer large network integration for large mainframe users, but using integrators will enable the company to establish a foothold in this marketplace. It has been estimated that over the next three years, Hewlett could attract between 15% and 20% of IBM’s 10,000-strong 4381 base.