Hewlett-Packard Co has announced several additions to its Intelligent Network and mobile-services portfolio, all based on HP 9000 Unix systems. The latest addition to its Signalling System No 7 system is a scalable, entry-level system, priced at $90,000. This is said to provide an environment to develop and test non-critical applications and is available now; Hewlett-Packard also promised an autumn enhancement that will provide continuous availability of the Signalling System 7 function for mission-critical applications. On the Intelligent Network side, Hewlett-Packard announced the Service-Control Point, a real-time servicing processing engine. The system includes a memory database that stores subscriber and service-related information, and a Management Interface Base which stores the Service Control Point’s configuration, performance statistics, and alarm and event management data. A basic configuration will cost $500,000; delivery is scheduled for mid-1994. A companion to the Service Control Point is the Service-Creation Environment, a software development environment to test and simulate new Intelligent Network services before going live. The Service Creation Environment will be an optional part of Service Control Point. Shipping will begin at the end of the year. On the mobile front, the company has launched the Home-Location Register, which stores fixed data on mobile subscribers, and dynamic data on their location, so the network can connect calls and has information such as whether call forwarding is in effect. Home-Location Register is Groupe Speciale Mobile phase 1- and 2-compliant, says Hewlett-Packard, and operates independently of switch software, facilitating customisation. Entry price is $400,000. Last up is a related product, the Authentication Centre, which verifies whether a service has been requested by a legitimate mobile subscriber. The ensure data security, verification is achieved without the need to send information over the air, comments Hewlett-Packard. Prices for it start from $50,000, with deliveries planned to start from this spring.