Hewlett-Packard Co is adopting Austin, Texas-based Tivoli Systems Inc’s object-oriented Tivoli Management Environment formerly known as WizDom – for its HP 9000 Unix workstations and servers. The two will jointly market the software on HP 9000s as part of the OpenView suite of products. The Hewlett-Packard version will be fully interoperable across systems so that users will be able to manage distributed computing networks of workstations and servers from different vendors using a single integrated set of tools. The Tivoli Management Environment automates tasks such as user, host and group management; administration of security; remote systems monitoring; and network-wide distribution and maintenance of software via a graphical interface. The environment includes Tivoli/Works to manage basic system resources; Tivoli/Courier for distributing software updates; Tivoli/Sentry to monitor, spot and correct problems on local and remote computers; and the Tivoli/Application Extension Facility toolkit for modifying and customising the other applications. The environment is a key element of the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Management Envirment should be ready to ship for HP 9000s in March starting at $37,500.