It was beginning to look as if Hewlett-Packard Co had forgotten the HP1000 real-time minicomputer line, but no, the company has announced a new processor for the 24-year-old family – and promised to continue to manufacture the HP 1000 product line until the year 2000 and support it until 2010. The new high-end, single-board HP 1000 A-Series Model A990 is rated at more than twice the performance of the present, four-board, Model A900 to provide more compact size, faster processing and lower cost packaging. The US list prices for a fully configured Model A990 range from $27,750 to $39,450 depending on box or system size. Prices for upgrading from the existing A-series family range from $11,025 to $21,025. The company says it will be taking orders for the A990 from October 1, and that shipments are expected to begin in the first quarter of 1991.