Hewlett-Packard Co has put a hard hat onto its HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 workstations and brought out a new Pozix-compliant HP-RT 1.0 realt-time operating system for them for factory-floor and control applications. The new HP 9000 Models 745i and 747i industrial workstations and HP 9000 Model 742rt board computer systems are based on the 50MHz version of the Precision Architecture 7100 RISC. All are targeted at the manufacturing, aerospace, telecommunications and commercial-electronics industries. They come in standard rack-mount configurations and offer durable design and application-specific input-output capabilities for factory-floor and real-time control, including VMEbus, IEEE.488 and EISA. The HP 9000 Models 745i and 747i workstations run the HP-UX 9.0 Unix, and are compatible with the rest of Series 700. The HP 9000 Model 742rt board computer is a real-time system for HP-RT 1.0 and is compatible with Series 700 workstations and Series 800 servers for cross-development. HP-RT is based on Posix, the System V Int erface Definition and Berkeley 4.3 Unix with fast deterministic response time and X Window System and Motif user interface. It also supports TCP/IP, ARPA-Berkeley services and Network File System services. Complete integration of HP-RT and the SoftBench development environment is expected in 1993. All are out on October 1; the HP 745i starts at $13,390; the HP 747i at 15,990 and the HP 742rt at $8,000. The real-time board computer is presumably intended to supersede the company’s HP1000 technical and industrial minis, though it doesn’t say so.