Hewlett-Packard Co yesterday also announced its well-flagged new alliance with Lotus Development Corp: Hewlett signed a new worldwide agreement for continued purchase of Lotus products in a deal potentially worth $15m over three years, covering cc:Mail and Notes communications software, 1-2-3 spreadsheet, Ami Pro word processor and Freelance Graphics presentation graphics for internal use. The two will also improve the interoperability between HP OpenMail electronic messaging with Lotus Notes and Lotus plans to use HP OpenView, as a strategic development environment for a Notes management product to be called NotesView. The HP Professional Services Organization and Lotus Consulting Services Group will work together to provide complete client-server implementations through consulting, education and systems integration for Notes on Hewlett machines. And from next month for six months, Lotus Notes 3.2 will be bundled with each HP 9000 Series 800 HP-UX Unix system for the following six months.