HTC has unveiled its largest-ever marketing campaign to date to launch its new brand, Change.

The platform will embody the message that HTC inspires innovation by standing for "anything you want it to."

Featuring a broad range of digital, social and PR activity, the global Change platform will kick off with a series of adverts to be launched on August 15, fronted by actor Robert Downey Jr. The ads will be supported by a series of social engagement and experiential activities to bring the campaign to life.

With Downey Jr. as the instigator of change, the creative ads explore imaginative HTC word associations, such as ‘Here’s To Change’ and ‘Hipster Troll Carwash’ to invoke interest and talkability amongst consumers. The narrative follows the well-known actor and director as he kicks-off the realm of change made possible by HTC.

Ben Ho, CMO of HTC comments: "HTC’s innovation, authenticity and boldness have made us the change-makers in the mobile industry and led us to launch what influencers regard as the best phone in the world, the HTC One.

"Our original and playful Change platform is different to anything else out there and aligns our brand with the same qualities our phones are already known for. With this campaign, we are affirming what HTC’s role is in the mobile market which is to define change and to lead the industry in developing the newest and most innovative technologies."

HTC’s first on-air ad creative will be supported by HTC’s biggest multi-channel social media, TV, print, outdoor and in-store campaign to date, and will be followed by KSP feature-led activity focused on the innovations of the award-winning HTC One smartphone family.

The new campaign covers after Ho promised to make the company’s voice louder. He is spending the same amount as last year’s worldwide sales and marketing budget (around $1bn) on this campaign alone.

Downey Jr has been signed on as the face of HTC for two years and the Change campaign will be rolled out over the course of 24 to 36 months. It will be launched with the two minute television ad, featuring Downey Jr. The campaign will also feature executions which highlight how HTC innovations – like BlinkFeed, Video Highlights and BoomSound – have changed the face of the mobile industry. The following ad spots will then focus on how HTC products empower individuals to drive change in their own lives.