US based heirloom electronics maker Monohm has introduced what it claims to be ‘World’s First Anti-Smartphone’ that has a round screen that can be carried around in a pocket.

The device runs on Mozilla’s Open Source Firefox OS and features a high-resolution screen, camera, and facilitates LTE, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity.

According to Monohm, the phone is intended to refocus users’ attention on the real world and will be initially available in late 2015. The price of the device will be comparable to premium, unlocked smartphones.

It is claimed to have a simpler interface which is designed to provide a clean summary of the content.

Monohm claims the usage of Runcible’s operating system will require no additional software or apps and it is expected to facilitate compatibility with IoT devices and connected things.

Monohm CEO Aubrey Anderson "People need something to let them control their digital lives in clean, quiet, simple ways.

"Runcible is the alternative to the increasingly invasive and commodified smartphone whose app-centric approach distracts us from our lives instead of helping us live them."