Infoblox, a provider of appliance-based platforms, has announced that the Heidelberg Printing Company has deployed its appliances for secure, reliable and manageable delivery of external domain name resolution and internal IP address assignment services.

Infoblox said that, prior to selecting the company, Heidelberg relied on a home-grown, Linux-based system for external domain name resolution (DNS); complexity of the system forced reliance on special experts to maintain it and changes required extraneous administrative overhead.

Infoblox also said that its appliances are deployed in high-availability (HA) pairs at Heidelberg data centers in the Americas and Europe. And, a single appliance is deployed in Japan to reduce latency. Infoblox’s grid technology links the appliances together into a unified, centrally-managed, core network services platform.

Howard Hutchings, vice president of global infrastructure at Heidelberg Printing Company, said: Relying on a few very specialized experts to maintain our external DNS systems represented too much risk for us; we wanted to eliminate the risk associated with the dependence upon these experts, simplify administration and leverage the innate security of an appliance. Prior to using the Infoblox appliances it was a 20-minute process to change a record. Today, with Infoblox, it is a two-minute process.