The new Hearst Corp-Izvestia joint newspaper venture, We, has chosen to go Apple. The publication appears simultaneously in the US and Russia. The Russian-Austrian joint venture, Intermicro, will supply and install all the equipment at the Izvestia offices in Moscow, the estimated value of the kit being $130,000. Intermicro will train Izvestia staff and is helping produce the first three issues. Intermicro is the Apple Computer Inc representative for the territory of the former Soviet Union. The agreement depended on a stipulation by Hearst that it be granted a three-month trial period. Given that virtually no Russian reseller is given lines of credit by manufacturers, Intermicro is likely to have won very good terms from Apple to have been able to agree to this. Copy generated at Izvestia is transmitted to Sovam Teleport via a 19.2Kb leased line, then via satellite to the US.