Network Systems Inc, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, says its $750 desktop Network Computer due by mid-year will run a 300Kb Posix-compatible microkernel as part of a Universal Client environment, which will include the Spyglass Inc Web browser, today’s Unigram.X reports. HDS claims the microkernel is its own work, and is designed to support remotely-hosted Unix, Windows NT and Windows applications, and also hosts a Java Virtual Machine to run Java applets. Like its X terminals, the intranet devices are based on Intel Corp’s 80960 RISC. Existing HDS X terminal users will be able to upgrade to the client environment – the company is currently seeking OEM customers for the device and operating system. It has high hopes for the network computer and expects its introduction to alter its business model and image significantly. HDS is now offering its X stations with 21 Sony Trinitron screens. The ViewStation FX21CT is $3,300, the Ultra 21CT is from $3,700 and the Dual 21CT is from $5,600. The new configurations replace existing 21 Invar models.