Motorola Inc’s 88000 RISC family seemed to have lost out at Harris Corp’s Harris Computer Systems arm when the Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based firm announced that it was switching allegiance to the IBM Corp-Apple Computer Inc-Motorola Inc PowerPC architecture late last year, but the company now says it will roll out 88110 versions of its Night Hawk real-time machines by the end of March. Harris says it will market 88110 and PowerPC lines side by side, adding that it had scheduled the 88110 machines for release in December, but because of cacheing problems, they were delayed. According to Motorola, the function enabling the 88110 to switch between different cacheing modes write-through and copy-back – was faulty. The firm fixed the bug and immediately fabricated a new batch of 88110s for Harris. Another Motorola Inc 88110 user, Data General Corp, plans to introduce its 88110-based AViiON Unix server machines this quarter. Meanwhile, Motorola has at long last revealed its initial pricing for the 88110: 50MHz versions of the RISC go for $495 and a 40MHz parts costs $360, both in quantities of 1,000-up.