Harris Computer Systems Corp has launched the Night Hawk 6000 Series of real-time computers, claiming them to be the world’s first multiprocessing systems to incorporate the PowerPC 604 microprocessor. Deliveries start on May 15, with the Night Hawk 6200, with one or two processors, the first model available. The installed base of Night Hawk computers, which use the 88000 RISC, can be upgraded to the new higher-performance Night Hawk 6000 Series by exchanging processor and memory boards. The Night Hawk 6200 supports Real-Time/Power Unix, based on System V.4.2 MP, and full Ada, C and Fortran development environments and the NightStar real-time software development tools are available. It comes in table-top, desk-side, rack-mount, full cabinet and ruggedised configurations with five to 21 slots. The base Night Hawk 6200 with a single PowerPC 604, 32Mb local memory, SCSI controller, Ethernet controller, 1Gb 3.5 low-profile disk, Digital Audio Tape, display and Unix is $46,000; upgrades starting at $30,400.