Harris Computer Systems has added a high-end system to its year old Nigh Hawk family of real-time minis. Joining the 68030-based 3000, which is rated at 6 MIPS with floating point co-processor, and can have up to eight CPUs tightly coupled, the Night Hawk 700 is built of 100K ECL and 5000-gate ECL arrays with a custom floating point processor on a single board, the maths CPU doing single and double-precision work in IEE 754 and VAX formats. Rated at 18 MIPS on the Whetstone bench mark, it uses a 160Mbyte per-second bus, and features an innovation of three caches, for data, instructi ons and address translation. A du al processor configuration is rated at 36 MIPS, and up to 448Mb of glo bal memory is supported. Operating systems are the proprietary CX/RT, and the CX/UX version of Unix 4.2 and V for development. The 7100 with 32Mb, 32-user CX/RT and C is $395,000, the 7200 two CPU+maths units – is $595,000. Deliveries are set for second quarter 1989.