What with the D-Day landings, 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the War to end Wars, the July 1944 Hitler bomb plot, One Small Step For [a] Man, and Woodstock – not to mention 25 years of the nasty little undeclared civil war between tiny minorities on either side in Ulster, the 30th anniversary of Harold Wilson’s white heat of the technological revolution, the 20th of Edward (not Ted – Ted Heath was the last great big band leader and he was British) Heath’s three-day week; the 10th anniversary of the attempt by the self-styled Irish Republican Army to succeed where Guy Fawkes and his cronies failed and blow up the British governing party in conference in Brighton (surely the fact that it did fail justifies a second annual firework party on October 12?), by now, everyone is no doubt suffering acute anniversary fatigue this year, and ours actually slipped by quietly on Saturday, so we’ll just say Happy Birthday to us: Issue No 1 of Computergram International was dated Monday August 13 1984.