Security professionals believe in aliens

About 52% of IT security professionals have said they believe in unidentified life forms, while 7% remained undecided, according to research by security specialist Infosecurity Europe.

The findings mark 66 years after a flying saucer was rumoured to have crashed in Roswell, which gave birth to a myriad of other conspiracies in the New Mexico town.

Conrad Constantine, a research system engineer of AlienVault, said the invention of the transistor that came after the event was a major turning point in the computer and electronic world.

"Whether Roswell did or didn’t happen, is not the issue, it’s all about being open to possibilities. The truth is out there," he added.

"Technology has moved at warp speed in recent years, and the threats we all face have evolved just as quickly. There are some who claim hacking is a dark art – actually, having met a few BlackHats over the years, I think it’s more likely to be a Venus Trait!"

AlienVault said they are celebrating the Roswell anniversary and the information security community with a photo competition and the chance to win an AlienVault prize pack.