H+H said that by using Version Ones’s electronic storage technology DbArchive, it has cut the amount of incoming and outgoing paper documents it produces, eliminating the need to microfiche those documents, cutting costs, and freeing up storage space.

We were drowning in paper; 50,000 paper documents every year were being produced, delivered, stored, and handled manually, which was incredibly time-consuming and costly. We were also archiving documents by microfiche which was a slow and archaic process, said Brian Collins, IT manager at H+H UK.

He said incoming paper documents are now scanned by a bank of Kodak i160 scanners and automatically archived. Once the company has checked and backed-up the imaged documents, the paper documents are shredded.

Employees access the documents either by drilling down for information in an individual department or by searching for key words using Version One’s DbWebQuery internet browser. Sending documents, barring a few exceptions, is also done electronically.

Rather than hours to print invoices, statements and despatch notes, it now takes less than 10 minutes. Being able to instantly access a document together with all supporting documentation directly from the desktop and from anywhere in the UK, has more than halved the time spent resolving customer and supplier queries, said Collins.

The company is looking to add electronic document authorization and to improve the way it deals with invoices using Version One’s automatic invoice processing system DbCapture.