Paris-based software and computer services company Generale de Service Informatique SA, or GSI, as it is better known, reported 1992 revenues up 8% to the equivalent of $460m, a rate of increase only half of that registered that year. Operating profit was down by 9% to $26.6m and net profit after taxes was down slightly – off 1.8% at $16.4m. Net profit after writing off the goodwill associated with acquisitions dropped further, by 16.9% to $15.1m. On a happier note, Jean Brousse, director of marketing, said that the company’s capital fund grew in 1992 to $41m from $25m at the end of 1991. I think we will do something with that money, but I don’t know what yet, Brousse said, adding that GSI does not have a strategy that says ‘we should acquire’. We want to grow internally first. If we make an acquisition, it’s just to tune and complement our business, he said. The company was 1980s a management buyout from what is now Alcatel Alsthom SA.