The software gained certification after demonstrating interoperability in the General Services Administration’s (GSA) E-Gov E-Authentication Interoperability Lab with SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), an OASIS standard for the exchange of authentication and authorization information.

At the heart of the initiative is a federated identity infrastructure which enables simpler access to information for citizens, businesses and government agencies through the re-use of trusted credentials and established identities.

Using eTrust SiteMinder, users accessing E-Authentication-enabled applications can be authenticated by one agency and then be recognized and have personalized content delivered by another agency without requiring re-authentication. Agencies using eTrust SiteMinder in conjunction with eTrust IdentityMinder can also easily administer users and their access rights.

The US Department of Agriculture has used eTrust SiteMinder for over two years with more than 125,000 users and 120 integrated applications.

CA, which acquired the SiteMinder technology through its recent purchase of Netegrity, will make eTrust SiteMinder the primary extranet access management component of its eTrust Identity and Access Management suite.