A report on the European software engineering market by London-based market research outfit, Ovum Ltd, shows average growth for the top 20 CASE vendors dipped to 28% in 1991 from 39% in 1990. It says the two market leaders ADW, developed by KnowledgeWare Inc – but marketed by Ernst & Young in Europe and Softlab GmbH’s Maestro, failed to show any growth at all during 1991 but were still able to maintain their top positions. Texas Instruments Inc’s Information Engineering Facility, Oracle CASE and Andersen Consulting’s Foundation all had good years, the report says, increasing revenues substantially. Ovum positions ADW as the leading CASE product in Europe, with 13% of the market. Maestro has 11%, IEF and Oracle CASE 9%, Foundation and Compagnie Generale d’Informatique SA’s PacBase 8%, Verilog Inc’s Age 6%, Cadre Technolgies Inc’s Teamwork 5%, Bachman Information Systems Inc’s Bachman Designer, Intersolv Inc’s Excelerator and Learmonth & Burchett Management Systems Plc’s Systems Engineer 3%, with others accounting for the remaining 22%. A second survey, on the German software engineering market, in which 151 organisation were polled, showed that those already using the technology had invested the equivalent of $50,000 on average so far and plan to spend a further $75,000 on average over the next 12 months. Although most had hoped to see a return on their original investments within a year or two, the actual timescales were three years or more in most cases, the researchers discovered. The software engineering survey is part of Ovum’s Software Europe service which costs UKP1,245 – $2,315 for a year’s subscription. The German CASE report costs UKP5,000.