GroundWork Open Source has released a new version of GroundWork Monitor, an open portal-based application that encourages two-way integration with other systems such as ticketing, help-desk, CMDBs and third-party consoles.

GroundWork said that the new version, GroundWork Monitor 6.0, comes with an improved user interface based on JBoss Portal and includes a dashboard builder for both Community Edition users and Enterprise subscribers. It updates all versions of the its product family, from the free GroundWork Monitor Community Edition to the subscription-based GroundWork Monitor Enterprise product.

According to GroundWork, the new version 6.0 offers: redesigned Status Viewer to provide availability and performance data in a single view; embedded, context-sensitive event console for accessing performance, status and event information in one view; and ‘Seurat View’ to access the status of several hosts and services performance.

Other features include: allowing to create and customise as many personal and role-based dashboards for any specific need; technical changes to provide new extension points, new APIs, and integration with authentication systems and allowing migration from Nagios and earlier versions of GroundWork Monitor.

Simon Bennett, senior director of product management at GroundWork, said: “The newest version of GroundWork Monitor supports a wider variety of user roles and allows for easy integration with the entire enterprise ecosystem.”