One of the first Web editing tools providing content-based document editing via SGML Standardised Generalised Mark-up Language will be presented at the World Wide Web conference in Darmstadt, Germany today by French mark-up language specialist Grif Systemes SA. The product, Grif Symposia, will bring two technical advances for Web document creators when it is available in June. It says its SGML creates more reliable document information by providing precise research and classification capabilities; and it makes Web editing more interactive, eliminating the need for complex document transformation procedures by supporting direct editing on the server itself. HyperText Mark-up Language is a subset of SGML, and Grif and French state research body Inria, co-manager of the World Wide Web with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will also offer Symposia as Web freeware; the most widely used Web browsers, Mosaic and Netscape, do not yet support SGML documents, but support is promised in both soon.