GRiD Systems Corp, Fremont, California has introduced the GRiD APT/425se, the first system in GRiD’s Advanced Personal Tower family: the computers incorporate a 32-bit EISA bus, a modular upgradable processor and support for the Intel Processor Upgrade Socket and MPC upgrades; the APT/425se will support multiple storage media and operates as a departmental file server, network hub or gateway; it has a 25MHz 80486SX microprocessor, up to 64Mb of memory, seven 32-bit EISA expansion slots and five drive bays that provide up to 4Gb of disk; the APT/425se will be available with a 240Mb hard disk drive option, and the system has NetWare and will suppport OS/2 2.0, Unix, Santa Cruz Operation Unix, Xenix and Microsoft Windows NT; Model I is $3,300 and Model 240 is $4,200.