It has been a busy year for Gresham Telecomputing Plc. The Southampton-based company had a major reorganisation in April. It now has four distinct revenue streams – product sales, consultancy services, contract staff and placements and customer support. Hamish Donaldson, chairman, described the reorganisation as an unavoidable disruption that has nevertheless produced steady and satisfactory figures. Gresham’s pre-tax profits were ú708,000, a 3% increase on the previous year, with turnover also up 3% at ú6.0m. The company is pinning its future growth on its ISAM-XA and Dataserve products and plans to invest just over ú1m in both products this year. It forecasts that revenues for both these products will double in comparison with its traditional utility software. As part of its drive to expand in the open systems market, the company plans to launch a network management product in March. Gresham has recruited 10 sales staff in the past 12 months in an effort to build up new distribution channels and intends to focus on marketing and sales of existing products rather than the development of new products. The company’s shares rose 2.7% following the announcement to 37p and it will pay a final dividend of 0.30p per share.