Gresham Telecomputing Group Plc saw net profits of UKP211,000 for the six months to April 31, a dramatic improvement on last year’s UKP80,000 loss. Turnover fell by 19% to UKP3.9m, and the company attributes this to a combination of its focus on high margin products and the inevitable tough trading conditions. Southampton-based Gresham achieved a certain notoriety on reversing into the troubled Telecomputing Plc (CI No 1,620), but it believes that period is finished with, and doesn’t anticipate that the Department of Trade & Industry will be troubling it in the future. Similarly with that other Telecomputing hangover, Merrion Gates Software BV. The question of equity – 45% or thereabouts – seems to be resolved with the Dutch firm now in the hands of a liquidator, and Gresham does not expect to report on it again. Gresham has concentrated on reaching a wider marketplace and expanding its largely-ICL mainframe portfolio with more open off-erings. It cites its membership of of the X/Open independent software vendor council as proof of its commitment and influence. Broadening the portfolio has meant higher research and development costs, but Gresham is happy enough, saying that the payoff is a greatly enlarged market to bolster ongoing ICL revenues.