GreenPrint Technologies has launched its paper waste-reducing software in the UK.

The IT department has an important role to play in reducing the amount of paper generated by computer systems. Employees should be asked to only print when really necessary and then only the content that is required. GreenPrint Technologies estimates that, by using GreenPrint Enterprise, an organization with 20,000 employees could save 35.2 million pages annually, equating to 3,911 trees, and amounting to GBP1.3 million.

It is not just paper usage that is an issue; ink is also a precious commodity, being 13 times more expensive than champagne by volume.

GreenPrint’s mission is to create products that make it easy to help the environment and save money at the same time. The company has developed GreenPrint Enterprise software to reduce waste in office printing. It was created for organizations with multiple printers, but operates just as well in smaller enterprises. The application eliminates wasteful pages before they are printed, incorporates a PDF writer to provide an alternative to printing, and provides other options to save ink and toner.

The software highlights and removes unwanted pages and provides a print overview facility to enable the user to decide what is to be printed. In addition, there is an option to remove images or text from the printed page. GreenView, the reporting feature, tracks trees saved and the reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of using application. The results can be accumulated across the entire organization, highlighting the overall environmental impact.

GreenPrint has also created the EverGreen font aimed at minimizing paper use. The font has characters which are designed to enable more words to fit on each printed page without affecting readability. Compared with commonly used fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, and Helvetica, EverGreen reduces paper usage by 15% to 20%.

While a ‘green’ approach is obviously good for the environment, it can, in many instances, provide significant operational savings. Organizations must adopt a more environmentally friendly attitude using software such as that provided by GreenPrint, as well as creating effective policies and implementing a continual process of improvement.

Source: OpinionWire by Butler Group (