Santa Barbara-based, Green Sherpa has launched a web-based Personal Cash Flow Management (PCM), a new on-line software application which allows consumers to manage their cash flow and personal spending habits. The Green Sherpa application employs a three-point strategy: historical expense tracking, budgeting and planning for the future, and financial collaboration with spouses, CPAs and financial planners.

According to the company, its SaaS platform gives consumers the ability to access an aggregated dashboard of all their financial information from any computer, anytime, while offering multi-party access for financial collaborators and advisors. The application supports around10,000 financial institutions to present consumers with a view of their financial outlook by integrating bank account, credit card and other pertinent financial information into the platform.

The Green Sherpa Personal Cash Flow Management platform’s four management features includes: centralised dashboard, detailed account information on-demand, cash flow projection and goal keeping for measuring monetary objectives.

Green Sherpa said that the dashboard tab offers a view of the consumer’s finances, organising account balances, current cash flow, pending transactions, financial goals, and messages from collaborating users in a centralised format. Using the Green Sherpa interface, consumers can edit categories and transactions, create split transactions and reconcile accounts against bank statements.

The company added that based on historical spending and customisable projected expenses and income, the cash flow projection feature of the new application lets users enter one-time anticipated expenses or create structures like bi-weekly or bi-monthly schedules. In addition, the application allows to set goals, see how goals relate to each other, and monitor progress made in accomplishing those goals.

Masen Yaffee, chief executive officer for Green Sherpa, said: One of the main differentiators of the Green Sherpa platform is the software’s ability to intelligently forecast future cash flow based not only on historical spending, but also on projected income and expenditures. With Green Sherpa, consumers truly get a comprehensive view of all their finances, organised and centralised in an intuitive interface.