GraphOn Corp has teamed up with systems integrator Simple Future Corp in a bid to extend the reach of its thin client software into emerging web-based markets. The Campbell, California-based company hopes that the reseller alliance with the Greenville, South Carolina-based integrator will enable it to sell systems to application service providers and net-based enterprise customers.

GraphOn has inked the deal to allow it to address issues that don’t fall into the company’s core competencies, according to Robin ford, VP of sales and marketing. Simple Future will put together systems that address issues that arise from the web- enabling process, such as ensuring secure transactions and building an internet mechanism, Ford said.

Simple Future will be building systems based on GO-Joe, GO-Global and GO-Between products, all of which essentially serve up a Unix or Linux host to a Windows or Java-based client. Ford said that GraphOn was looking at simplifying its product branding, admitting that it was confusing at present.

The company is also looking at swiping some of the market share of its major rival Citrix Systems Inc, with a new Windows NT multi-user product. Ford said the new software, called JBridge, would allow a multi-user system with the standard NT OS, rather than using the customer to use Windows Terminal Server. This is because the GraphOn system duplicates the application across multiple terminals – rather than the OS itself, which is the way the Citrix software works. Ford says that this means that JBridge offers double the scalability of Citrix software. JBridge is available on limited beta now and is expected on the market in September.