Indianapolis-based AT&T Graphics Software Labs is a new intrapreneurial group set up by AT&T employees which will develop software applications to complement AT&T Truevision products (CI No 613). Graphics Software was created by some of the same group that launched AT&T’s first intrapreneurial venture, the AT&T Electronic Photography and Imaging Center (EPICenter), also in Indianapolis. The EPICenter designs and markets a family of video imaging graphics products, Truevision. The intrapreneurial ventures are formed by AT&T employees who enter an agreement with AT&T to develop and market products. AT&T funds a portion of the venture, with each member putting some of their salary at risk as an incentive to make the venture succeed. At the start, Graphics Software Labs will develop generic graphics software suggested by users and dealers. Software will be available from AT&T, the EPICenter, Value Added Resellers and dealers. Later, Graphics Software Labs plans joint development contracts with companies to produce graphics software needed for specialised applications. The new venture will also offer a software submissions programme for independent software developers to have a marketing evaluation of their products.