Google is reportedly planning to launch its mobile-phone wireless service today, beginning with its Nexus 6 device.

The wireless service will allow customers to pay only for the data they use, unlike the other packages in the industry that charge for a fixed amount of data that expires at the end of each month.

Google’s entry is likely to spark further competition among the wireless service providers in the US.

Wall Street Journal cited sources familiar with the matter as saying that the service will run on the networks of T-Mobile and Sprint, and users will be able to switch between the networks based upon the strength of the signals.

The service is likely to use Wi-Fi networks to route phone calls and data which will further reduce subscribers’ bills.

Google will initially offer the service to the users of the latest Nexus 6 device.

Google executive Sundar Pichai has previously hinted about the service terming it as a small-scale experiment which will not interrupt the current wireless industry.

Google is not the first company in the US to introduce usage-based models, as Republic Wireless, Scratch Wireless, T-Mobile and AT&T already have plans to carry forward unused data.

The search giant currently offers broadband internet service in select US cities, which is nearly 100 times faster than the average broadband.