Following Apple’s $848m investment to buy solar power, Google has announced plans to power its Mountain View Googleplex headquarters with wind energy from the Altamont Pass, which is one of the oldest Wind farms in the US.

According to Mercury News, the search giant has entered into a 20-year agreement with NextEraEnergy, under which it is likely to buy half of the outputs from the windmills on Altamont Pass.

The 7-square-mile site is expected to provide 43 megawatts of wind energy for the search giant’s headquarters.

The deal is also likely to include replacement of old turbines with new ones that are expected to produce more energy with a lesser number of turbines.

Google has been investing on clean energy projects around the world, and according to reports it has already spent $1.5 billion on such projects.

Google’s rival Apple also entered into a 25-year agreement with First Solar, which includes the building of a 2,900-acre solar farm in southern Monterey County.

The iPhone maker is expected to get 130 megawatts of the solar farm’s energy during the tenure.