According to 23andMe, it offers services, which enable individuals to understand their own genetic information through the DNA analysis and web-based interactive tools. The company’s service will enable customers to gain insights into their ancestry and other inherited traits marked in an individual’s genetic code.

The service allows individuals to search and explore their genomes, learn how the latest research studies relate directly to traits identified in their genome, compare their genomes to family and friends who are also 23andMe participants, discover their genetic roots and find where they sit on the tree of human genetic history. It also gives individuals the option to participate in a new research approach.

Over the past several years, significant advances have been made in the field of genetics. The mission of 23andMe is to take the genetic revolution to a new level by offering a secure, web-based service where individuals can explore, share and better understand their own genetic information, said Linda Avey, co-founder of 23andMe.

23andMe is designed to provide our customers with scientifically accurate, high-quality information about their own genetic code in a format that is easy to understand and use. We believe this information provides intriguing insights into an individual’s genetics, with the goal of expanding the collective knowledge base by enabling active participation in research, said Anne Wojcicki, co-founder of 23andMe.

The company offers DNA decoding and genetic profile creation of an individual for $999.

A similar service was launched by 23andMe’s rival Decode Genetics last week. Decode offers a genetic profile creation of an individual through its deCODEme service for $985.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates