Google began its Apps for Your Domain service in August, with the intention of allowing small business and groups such as universities to use Google’s email, calender, instant messenger and web development tools for their domains.

But for those organizations without their own domain, Google has joined with registrars Go Daddy Group Inc and eNom to offer domains for $10 a year. Google will also handle all the configuration, such as MX and CNAME records, which users were responsible for previously.

Currently available domains include .com, .net, .org, .biz, and .info, and the company said it expects to expand that list soon.

In its announcement, Google also said it plans to expand the Apps for Your Domain services, which it hopes will continue to chip away at Microsoft’s hold on the market. One likely candidate is Google Docs, which the company launched in October by merging its Writely online word processing program and its spreadsheet application.