Google is reportedly in talks with US based automaker Ford to build the Internet search company’s autonomous cars.

Both the companies are also planning to enter into a joint venture to build autonomous vehicles, and the announcement of the new company is expected to be made during the CES show.

Automotive News cited a Google spokesman as saying that the company would not comment on speculation, although Google officials confirmed that the company is talking to automakers.

Both the companies have ventured into the next generation vehicles, as Google has already tested its bubble shaped car on the streets of California.

However, Ford on the other hand recently tested its self driving technology in California and claimed that it has been developing the technology for the past decade.

Google has reportedly talked with world’s top automakers and has assembled a team of traditional and nontraditional suppliers to boost its efforts to bring self-driving cars to the market by 2020.

Google got a blow recently when California created law for self driving vehicles which makes it necessary to have a licensed driver behind the wheel.

Google is also likely to make its self-driving cars unit a stand-alone business under its parent company, Alphabet next year.