Google has started testing a new mapping application that will be compatible with Apple’s new iPhone devices, nearing the head-to-head battle between Apple and Google.

An unnamed source was quoted by The Wall Street Journal Google has distributed a test version of its new mapping app that will work on Apple’s iPhones and iPads to some individuals outside the company.

"Google has been putting the finishing touches on the app before submitting it for approval to the Apple iTunes store, this person said, though it is unclear exactly when that will happen," the person said.

Google Maps for iOS includes turn-by-turn navigation, which is a feature search engine firm earlier declined to deploy in Apple owned Maps app.

Earlier, iPhone maker replaced Google’s mapping service with its own maps application, data for which is provided by TomTom, in its newly launched iPhone 5.

However, Apple received complaints from customers of the new smartphone about geographical errors and missing data on the maps feature.

Further, Apple CEO Tim Cook apologised for the new faulty map app, and revealed that the firm is doing everything it can to make Maps better.