comScore’s analysis of the US search marketplace revealed that Google Sites led the explicit core search market in November with 65.4% search queries conducted.

Yahoo! Sites came second with 15.1% and Microsoft Sites third with 15%. Ask Network and AOL accounted for 2.9% and 1.6%, respectively.

Out of the 17.8bn explicit core searches conducted in November, 11.7bn were conducted on Google Sites, followed by 2.7bn on Yahoo! Sites and Microsoft Sites. Ask Network accounted for 516m searches and AOL for 286m.

As far as total core search is concerned, Google Sites accounted for 65.7% of total core search queries conducted, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 16.% and Microsoft Sites with 14%. Ask Network and AOL accounted for 2.6% and 1.4% to total core search queries conducted.

Out of 19.9bn total core search queries in November in the US, Google Sites accounted for 13.1bn searches, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 3.2bn and Microsoft Sites with 2.8bn.

In organic search segment, 67.6% of searches carried organic search results from Google, followed by 26.7% searches by Bing.