Google has announced a major overhaul off its Blogger interface after years.

Product manager Chang Kim worte in an official blog that the enhancements anounced Wednesday are only the first part of big changes that are in the offing over the next few months.

Kim said, "We’re working hard to fundamentally revamp and improve the Blogger experience from the ground up."

Blogger was first launched in 1999 and Google acquired it in 2003. However, many other platforms have become popular and Blogger remains at less than 5% of the total blogging platform user base.

Kim wrote, "It’s been a few years since we made major updates to Blogger’s look and feel, and there’s a lot more to these changes than just shiny new graphics.

The company said that major changes have been made to the editing, and overview section, both aimed to make blogging easy and posts more popular.

Kim said, "We’ve rewritten the entire editing and management experience from scratch so it’s faster and more efficient for you — and easier for us to update and improve over time."

The new Overview section will help users to "quickly get a pulse for how people are reacting to your blog with a graph of your most recent traffic numbers, comment activity and follower counts," wrote Kim.

"Over the next few days, keep an eye out for a pop-up announcement on your dashboard with instructions on how to get started," Kim said.